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Palliative & Hospice Care

Palliative Care can start anytime after your pet has developed an incurable condition.  This care can go on for months and even years.  We encourage developing a plan as early as possible to prioritize what brings your pet happiness and joy. Hospice Care aims to ensure our pets are as painfree and supported as possible in their last stage of life.  

Palliative Care

When your pet has developed life-limiting illness that is not responsive to curative treatment, such as osteoarthritis, cancer, chronic heart failure, renal failure, or just simply, advanced age, we aim to alleviate distress and prioritize the time we have left. We offer guidance with chronic pain management, physical support, environment recommendations, nutrition, and symptom and disease management.  During our initial consultation and evaluation of your pet's physical health and medical records, we will work with you to optimize a plan to ensure we are maximizing your pets quality of life. Followups can be with recheck exams, phone consultations or text conversations, whichever best fits you and your pet's needs.

Gray Cat
Holding Paw


Sometimes we are not ready to say goodbye or are unsure if it's time.  We can provide your pet with effective pain management and other support to ensure they are as comfortable and pain free as possible.  Hospice care can be supportive of assisted (Euthanasia) or natural death.  


P.O. Box 181 
Loleta, CA  95551

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