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Fluffy Pet

Home Visits

If your pet has anxiety or mobility issues preventing them from visiting your general practice veterinary clinic or you have multiple pets making a trip to the vet a logistical challenge, that's where we come in.  We can provide many veterinary services in the security and convenience of your home and make taking the best care of your pet simple.  We are currently offering scheduled appointments to a limited number of clients on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  

Well-Pet Services

Emergency Services

We do not offer daytime or after-hours emergency services due to our lack of a physical facility and equipment.  If your pet has been hit by a car, attacked by another animal, is having difficulty breathing, is not passing urine, has a bloated abdomen, has collapsed, is having a seizure that is not stopping, or is in active labor but not delivering a puppy (kitten),  please call emergency services immediately.  If your pet is a patient at Humboldt  Veterinary Medical Group (Ferndale/Fortuna Vets) please call them at (707)786-4200.  If you are a client at another veterinary facility in Humboldt County please call your regular veterinary hospital during the day or the county wide after-hours number (707)672-6505  at night or on weekends and you will be directed to the veterinary hospital that is currently on-call.


P.O.Box 181
Loleta, CA  95551

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